Intuitive Surgical
Expression Campaign

Intuitive is the original robotic surgery device company. They pioneered the category by answering a Darpa challenge to save our soldiers’ lives remotely from the battlefield. Twenty years passed since the original ground-breaking idea, and the brand found itself competing in a newly competitive marketplace with a disjointed brand needing clarity and distinction.

To visualize that core idea of the Point of Possibility across the brand platform, we created a brand expression that avoided cliched representations of technology and data, creating a distinctly crafted approach.

Our work spanned internal and external communications, corporate events, and digital executions.

DaVinci CG animation. Method Studios

Ion CG animation. Method Studios

Point of Possibility animations

Cody Fenske produced an extensive library of illustrations. These are just four of them. Sarofsky put the library in motion.

Internal communications

Brand book

Advertising Campaign

Photo direction. Shot with Todd Tankersley

Brand Strategy

Intuitive refined its leadership position in a crowded Silicon Valley tech landscape.


Agency: VSA Partners

Matt Ganser, Creative Direction and Design

Chrystine Witherspoon, Creative Direction and Design

John Sheehan, Client Engagement

Her name, Strategy

Liz Ahern, Project Management

Brett Wilkes, Writing and Creative Direction

Cody Fenske, Design, Animation and Illusration

Other designern, Design, Animation and Illusration

Rachel Shuttler-Andrejko, Production

Sam Stalling, Production

Method, CG Animation, and Illustration

Sarofsky, CG Animation, and Illustration

Todd Tankersly, Photography