Sub-brand Expressions

Morningstar is the brand you see everywhere without really seeing it. Chances are high that you interact with Morningstar data more frequently than you realize. Their financial intelligence and ratings systems are the backbone of many financial products. As a result, their product architecture had grown to be unyieldingly large, lacking structure and creating confusion internally and externally.

Sub-brand symbols were drawn directly from the Morningstar logo

Our solution was to create a brand architecture with three unified brand expressions born from the primary brand expression.

Sub-brand symbols

Each sub-brand has a unique pattern that can be used to create illustrations

Sub-brand examples

Patterns can integrate with photography

I’m only one Kevin Bacon away from Paul Rand, the original Morningstar identity designer. If you’ve never seen the original Morningstar identity presentation, do yourself a favor and click here. Obviously, I’m a bit of a big deal now.


Agency: VSA Partners

Matt Ganser, Creative Direction and Design

Anne-Marie Rosser, Client Engagement

Hugh Allspaugh, Strategy

Brett Wilkes, Writing and Creative Direction

Dru McCurdy, Design

Design lastame, Design

Design lastame, Design

Sam Stalling, Production